Thursday, September 23, 2010

To Those Who Have Shared.....

....your pain with me in the recent weeks:

I understand the courage....

For some of you, I opened that door and called you out. And you brought it... Thank you for trusting me enough to be so brutally open with your experiences. Know that your stories are safe inside me forever. I hope that sharing affords you some small measure of quiet. And I hope you realize now that you are not alone...

For those who have reached out to me...the hardest part is watching you suffer through mind bending emotional events and know that I am helpless to change anything. No matter how much I think I can or want to help, I really am only a spectator. If I say I know how you feel, I'm lying.... I don't know. Whatever experiences I bring along, no matter how similar, are just not the same.  All I can do is hold your hand ....and listen a little.... You have to heal yourself. But when all the conversations are done, and every theory, consequence and option have been explored and analyzed, I'll still be here with you, for as long as you need me.

Now I'm going back to the Dark reinforce the fences, rehang the "No trespassing" signs, and beat back the beasts that threatened to escape when I allowed those gates to be opened...

* listening to "We All Die Young" - Steelheart

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The view from the edge....

"Experience the exhilaration of the view from the edge"- Sarah Charter

Fear is defined as an emotional response to a perceived threat. It is one of those very basic survival mechanisms we possess to keep us out of  harm's way. But it isn't always logical.

Sometimes, we're presented with the opportunity to experience something completely new.... and unknown....and it can be pretty damn scary. The choice then is to give in to the fear and refuse the opportunity....or step right up to edge, and take the leap.  For most of my life, I have given in to the fear and chosen the more certain path.... consequently missing out on many adventures.  But as I get older, I find that I'm more willing to suppress the fear.... to justify the risks. Oddly enough, I think this is the opposite of the rest of the world. Most take risks in their younger days and grow more cautious with age. But then, I've never done things the "right" way....

So, here's the words of wisdom for today....take a few chances in your life. Don't give in to the fear and miss out on the things that make life worth getting out of bed for. Remember that fear does not equal caution. Face the fear, and then step right up to the edge....and jump. Enjoy the flight......

from the edge of the Dark Side....

*listening to "Livin' on the Edge" - Aerosmith