While many have a love/hate relationship with Facebook, it is fair to say that I have acquired a group of friends through social media that I might otherwise not have. And today, I learned that one of them has gone from this world.
McKenzie is a Flat-coated Retriever who lived with Gina Spadafori, (http://www.goodfaithranch.com ) an author and free-lance writer from California. I have never met, in person, either of them, but through social media, I was able to follow the "adventures" of McKenzie through her Facebook page. McKenzie came to fame as she traveled across the country in 2011 with Dr Marty Becker's Big Bus Tour while promoting his book, "Your Dog: The Owner's Manual". Everywhere she went, she made friends and served as an ambassador for her breed and for well-behaved dogs everywhere. It was so much fun to follow the tour via McKenzie's Facebook page.
In February of this year, McKenzie was diagnosed with cancer, which was discovered quite by accident during a routine veterinary visit. As horrific as a cancer diagnosis is, Gina shared unselfishly McKenzie's journey through the illness over the past 10 months. And while I suspect that, as is the case with many writers, sharing was catharsis, she generously shared both the ups and downs. She shared with cautious optimism while always being realistic about the ordeal and sometimes managing to find some humorous parts. Gina discussed many things... about canine cancer, about alternative treatments, about implementing nutrition as part of treatment and advocated for pet insurance. I sincerely hope that the topics she shared prompted others to seek further information. I know I found myself learning some new things......
My heart hurts so much for Gina right now. While it is not possible to know exactly how she feels, I know how I have felt when losing a beloved companion and I can only imagine the magnitude of what Gina is experiencing. I cringe whenever I hear some well-meaning person say something like "she had a good, long life" as though that is supposed to make it ok for a loved one to die, but I do believe that, as testament to Gina's extraordinary care, McKenzie had 10 extra months of amazing life. It was by Gina's commitment to providing the best possible care that McKenzie left this world with grace and dignity, having lived ALL of her days free of discomfort....
In celebration of McKenzie's life, please consider making a donation in her honor. There are so many options.... Morris Animal Foundation, your nearest veterinary clinic's emergency fund, Colorado State University's Animal Cancer Center, Canine Cancer Awareness.....Reputable charities are not hard to find...
And finally, honor McKenzie by "liking" her Facebook page:
McKenzie Feb 23,2005 - Dec 26, 2012
Rest in Peace
With a heavy heart....from the Darkside....
listening to "Keep Me In Your Heart" - Warren Zevon