Monday, July 19, 2010


Ever noticed that time changes when you're waiting for something? If it's something pleasant, Time crawls, and if it's something not so pleasant, Time flies....But then, in general time flies as I age. The older I get, the shorter each year seems. Looking at my calendar, it's already nearing the end of July...almost August....almost the end of summer. How can that be?  Wasn't it just April a little while ago?

I dread winters. While summer seems to pass in a blink, winters feel like they drag by...and it's not even the cold. I can manage the cold. It's the bleakness. Life becomes only shades of gray, even on the sunniest days. Winter is not my friend. I have had the pleasure of knowing life without winter and it was seldom ever gray.

So, what has brought me to this today? I have 2 occasions coming in the near future, both of the pleasant nature, and I find myself wishing that Time would hurry up. When I was a kid, I wished that I could close my eyes and it would magically be whatever time I wanted. Christmases, my birthdays, a visit from one of my big brothers....But now when I wish for time to hurry, I realize that there is a price. The closer I get to my occasions, the closer I get to the end of summer. *sigh*  Everything has a price....just sayin'....

That's the view from the Dark Side...

*listening to "Time Stand Still"- Rush

Friday, July 16, 2010

"A Life Unexamined....."

"A life unexamined is not worth living" - Socrates

Inspiration comes from unusual and unexpected sources.....
I was talking to a very close friend of my late brother John's, and we talked about my quest to find a purpose for my little blog. He suggested "an observation of the human condition"  .......
hmmmm....*scratching head*   What the hell does it mean?

The beauty of  "an observation of the human condition" is the abstraction. Endless possibilities, infinite topics, no constraints. Pure editorial. My freakin' opinion of whatever moves my soul at the moment. Nice and non-committal.....

And so, the blog has a purpose....sort of...

Oh yeah, and I added some tunes......

observing.....from the Dark Side

*listening to "Perfect Strangers" - Deep Purple